Friday, December 2, 2011


His new haircut!

2011 is coming to an end soon. It's gonna be the 7th year that we're gonna move on into a brand new year together with all smiles and new resolutions. 

Being together for 7 years is a long journey for the both of us. Our relationship is not a recognition to many others. It was tough at the beginning, being in a secretive relationship. How others known about it remains unknown. I don't wanna know either.

We set off as really good friends. He told me about his relationship problems and everything under the sun. Confided in me a lot and we talked on the phone everyday. It was just purely 'I-am-your-friend' kind of thing. It was a happy friendship.. Did all rebellious stuffs together. Skipping school and hanging and bumping around our good friend's place. But, one thing for sure that he did more than a friend was treating me exceptionally good and always sending me to my door step making sure I'm home. 

How we got together is a pretty funny thing. I think he took up a lot of courage to ask if he could hold my hand. And it was how it all started.. Haha.. Funny. Maybe both of us know the feelings between us. This relationship happens so naturally.. He didn't ask if I could be his girlfriend. He didn't woo me like how others did. It just falls into place and tadah~ BAM! We're a couple. A funny one. 

The first gift he got me as a friend was a pasar malam bracelet. Haha.. We were on our way back to my home and I asked swiftly if he's willing to buy this white-orange round beads bracelet. No hesitation made and he bought it for me. Then when we got together the first gift I had from him was a Winnie the Pooh.. The first time he celebrated my birthday with me was when I'm 16. He skipped school and prepared a candlelight lunch.. All round his house were candles.. Scented and non-scented ones.. Although it was just maggie mee (HAHAHAHAHA WTF) but I really appreciate his sweet gesture. Presented me a bouquet of flowers and a carved bracelet. 

Too many things to say in this 7 years. Memories, memories, memories.. Never ending ones..

How to not love this man? HAHA. Crazy!!