Thursday, July 21, 2011

New look!

Just changed my blog's layout. Pretty in pink! Oooohh yeah! Never a pink lover but well, this shade of pink really is nice leh. The colors blend really well. Hehe.

Now now now.

Exams are nearing and I am still not studying. Somebody motivate me please.

My cramps are really killing. Having said that.. Eating kitkat makes me feel better. Gonna go grab one now!

And I hope Ben really keep to his promise and bring me to Ikea next week!!! Please please please. Strong cravings for hotdog bun and meatballszszz. Really need to satisfy it. And know what? My cravings never say die. WAHAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I think I look nice here but so different from real life. 
Heh. Fugly untrimed eyebrows. 

The wonder of beauty shot.. Left my flawless and fucking fair.

Mom and Dad. Us at the durian farm! :D
Now you see... Why I have such high cheekbones.. :( I got it from my Dad.
Hate the high cheekbones.

I'm sorry for the really devastating posts for the past few days. Things has been going on fine for now. I'm back to my happy self. :) Really got my paranoia and negative mode switched on. I was thinking that I really shouldn't continue this way. It was really tiring... Being sad and worried is so fucking tiring. I got so sick and tired of it the other day that I thought to myself that I should not be feeling this way already. Yeah, fuck it.

So yeap, me is happy now! And I knew so many stuffs.. I don't know I just feel happy. I feel that I'm being trusted and wanted.

And I had some awesome durians at Malaysia on Sunday! Yummmm. Me love durians, fishballszzz, mee sua, carrot cake, tao suan, dim sum, chawanmushi and etc. Hiakkkk! :D

Come to think of it, time passes so fast. It's gonna be our 6th year soon. This year was really special. We are gonna really really celebrate this year. Hehe.

My face become rounder. :( 

Love everybodeh that loves me!

Saturday, July 16, 2011



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Thursday, July 14, 2011



My eyebags are really... Heavy.. I've never had this problem at all and now it came. Why like that? Why!!!! Sigh.. I'm so sick of everything in life..

If this continue on...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So meeting your friend is more important than keeping the promise?

I shall not care anymore.

Totally feel being make use of. Totally...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 11, 2011

Somebody else

Don't force me to become somebody I was back then.

I changed into a better person and no one sees it. Then I change for fuck?! Seriously.

I am sick and tired of all these pretence. It is getting nowhere!



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Losing your mind

Projects are slowly taking my life away. I can feel myself dying inside me. Why is it so stressful? Always had this panic attack.. Or is it know as anxiety? Not sure though. Feeling breathless.

And my classmates all so chiong. Its like they didn't even stop to have a breather. They kept moving forward and forward and forward!

How I wish I'm not in this class... :(

& I hate work. Bloody hate it. I'm never happy ever since my Year 2 starts. I fucking hate this.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I know, it's a roller coaster ride.

Been on a roller coaster ride everyday for the past week. Such a torture.

So many things on my mind but I can't voice it out... Till I broke down yesterday in school. Very embarrassing and I was sobbing and crying alone at the back of the staircase. It was so terrible. So damn terrible. I don't blame anyone at all. And it was nobody's fault. I'm really sorry for whatever that had happened.

It was probably the first time that my mates saw me behaving like that.. Yes, like a kid. Sigh.

All I can say is, I did not handle the situation well. If everything was alright beforehand, such things would not happen. My fault, my fault. My mind is a whirl and everything came tumbling down.. Such an emotional wreck. How great it will be if people have no feelings. So that the people around you will not get affected as well.

All is fine now. :) Still trying to overcome all these shits.

Ben was really sweet yesterday.

When he opened the door for me.. I started bursting into tears and he listened attentively (I assumed). Nothing of the sort that he console me but all I need was a listening ear.. And that was what he did, listened. Problems like this have no solutions. So yup, there's nothing he can do.

Feel so loved yesterday. :)

All I ever asked for was these problems to be solved. I know this month is gonna be a very tough month and I'm so afraid. So so afraid.. Thinking about it makes me scared.. But I have to face it. What made it worst was the projects.. Especially the Marketing Management project.. The guidelines are redundant and I don't know how or where to start. :(

But something to be happy for was the ICAs results I had. Although not very good but I was expecting some modules to fail! But I passed it all and some modules were pretty good! :) Damn happy. Gonna work so hard.

& law presentation today was shitty. My tutor is shitty and I sort of screwed it up. :(

So many things to say...


I love you no matter what. I know you needed me. I know it is gonna be tough on you. I know it is non of my business at all but I love you.. That was why I am willing to carry the burden together with you. Please stay strong. :( I am prepared for the worst. I really am.. I will always be there for you no matter what it is. You came such a long long way..

You know, I am so scared.. I don't wanna lose you. I am so scared.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Just wanna say my hair grew longer!! :D