Sunday, February 27, 2011

Exams are overrrr!!!

HELL YEAH! Exams are finally over. Fucking finally! Felt so shiok after the exams cuz been studying for the past weeks and life had been so uninteresting then. Me ish veli bery the glad thatz examz are finally over nehx. HEHEHESSSS.

So, right after exams my mates and I went for some chilling and gossiping session at Timbre! My very first time there and yes I know, sua ku lo! So old liao and yet never been to Timbre before! Throw face. HAHAHAHA! Ya, whateverz cuz me been there already and it was hmmmmmm.. an experience. Anyway it is the great company that count. All of us are gonna be separated into different classes because of the core module that we had chosen. Nonetheless, although it is gonna be a different path very soon but I'm glad that I met them and they brought so much fun, laughter and joy to me for the past 1 year. :) It was such an enjoyable poly days with them and yeap, I wish them all good luck and love you girls many many many!!!

As for today, Ben brought me to Equinox for its lunch time buffet together with his friends cum a post birthday celebration for Chun! It was wow, really an experience that one should ever try!! The scene is magnificent!!! It would be better if its in the night with all the lightings. WOW WOW WOW!! However, I find that the choices are a little too little. Yes, I know it is a semi-buffet but the main course were only allowed to choose one out of a few choices. :( I chose salmon for the main and others chose steak as theirs. The steak is really really really goood and the portion is big! Whereas for salmon, its a little disappointing.. 

Not just the steak is superb, their seafood section is the best!!! I had quite a few of prawns and yummy yummy oysters!!! Their seafood is really that good and you must never miss! Oh, and their foie gras is good!!! I must really compliment their service. Fast and efficient is what every customer needs! 

Anyway, all pictures are not edited because my baby is such a wonderful gadget that it takes superb pictures! Who needs photo editor when your camera is just as good as one!  HAHAHAHAHA! /smug/ 

Thanks BB for the treat! Lovelove!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Yoohoo! Can you sense my happiness?!

I quit my job!!!! FC is quitting too because our boss plainly suck too much to the motherfucking core. HAHAHAHAHA! Actually quitting that job is good la, cuz we're just wasting our lives away at the shop. No business, no customers, weird customers, boss demand so much and hell yeah, fucking boring! Just a simple part timer monthly pay and yet they delay for almost 2 weeks. My first pay was delayed by 2 weeks and my January's pay is not in yet! I asked and yet they give me all sorts of excuses. Please, paying your employees on time is what keeps them motivated to work for you. 

I believe there are better jobs out there! 

Love my baby!

Friday, February 4, 2011

CNY Chu Er!

You know the happiest day during CNY is during Chu Er when I get to see all my maternal side cousins, uncles and aunts. My siblings are very close to our maternal side's cousins! Hate my paternal side's! Luckily no need to visit them this year. Like I give a damn. Hahahaha!

Anyway, although it was always the usual routine, sitting around, gamble black jack, see the guys mahjong and whatnots but still it is every moment that I enjoy seeing everyone's I-MUST-WIN-FACE and their laughters. Haha!

And this year is so special. Because we took pictures! We should seriously take more pictures next time! Especially with popo! When we're young we will always see pictures of popo carrying us! But not now anymore when we've all grown up. :( So sadz right. So we must make it a point to take more pictures next time. Hehe!

Must act act take picture. Hahahahahaha! Anyway, I love loooove LOOOOVE lurrrrrb my dress! Hahahaha!

Pen cai from The Redhouse for reunion din! Yum yum yummy!

Pic with popo!

My babyboyyy!!! So handsome! 

Super tiredd! :( Exam is coming and it is super shittyz. So near to CNY and its such a disadvantage! Fuck poly! Serious.. I can't wait to graduate and proceed to my future plans. I am so eager to do it!!! There's so many things that I need to do. If not for a thing called diploma cert, I would have stopped studying and go take up courses that I like. Just because it is "normal" to have a diploma cert, it made me have no choice but to fucking succumb to it. I've been wasting too much time studying useless shitz. I need to learn something that is skill that can benefit me! 

You know, growing up really suck because it is time you worry about everything and what the future holds. If you haven't start worrying, I reckon you're doomz because you should start planning for your future and work towards it already. I am so extremely scared to grow up. 

Will I be as successful? Will I be able to support the family?

Sometimes, I really really wonder how my parents did it because they aren't really earning much and yet they can provide us with food, shelter and clothings and sometimes, maybe a little more than that. I am really amazed. 

Love you guys and the people around me. Especially the close ones. Lets all work hard towards our goals and live no regrets! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2011, CNY.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!!

It has been so damn long that I login to blogger! Hahahaha! So bo liao leh this space! I'm at tumblr instead! Reblogging meaningful quotes, cute animals, shoes and blah blah blah. There more happening! LOL!!

Anyway I can't think of anything to blog about right now. Just that.. Exams are coming in 2 weeks time and yeah, fucking need to study. Argh! Totally spoil my CNY mood.

K la. I really don't know what to blog about! Buaiz