Thursday, July 24, 2014


Did you even spare a thought of how I would feel when you said all these things?

Everyone make mistakes.. So do you and I.. But just because of that mistake that I made, you condemned me.

Do you even feel how I felt when I heard your conversation you had? It was so hurtful you know. It was so damn freaking hurtful that I cannot stop crying.

I supported you through your ups and downs.. I give you all my best to help you.. But in the end, what did I freaking get in return? I felt betrayed. I am disappointed in you. I really am. I would never have thought that you will do this. It just hurts me so much that I don't even know how to react but just walk away quietly.

I'm only human.. I'm trying my best to be the best that you guys wanted. But all I get was constant negative remarks that I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know how to carry on anymore.

I'm just so fucking sad..

And I hate what I did in the past.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A sense of achievement

I've been teaching for close to 6 months already. Was pretty afraid that I'm not up for it initially because you know.. I don't really like kids.

But.. This job made me discover another side of me. A love for teaching. That ouh yeah feeling you get when your students did well. I've got this boy who was pretty weak in English and it made him unable to understand the science question well. FYI, I'm teaching Science and Math.

During his CA1 he did pretty jia lat lah.. :( Was pretty disappointed with my student's marks. Ok lah not really but most of them only borderline pass. There's two that scored 9 and 10 out of ten. So the boy was a borderline pass student. And I was thinking, cannot like that already.. Must give them homework (used to not give them homework).

I keep drilling them with science whenever I'm at the centre. Gave them lots of work to do until finally CA2 results out.. My boy got 10/10 lehh!!!! Wa super happy for him.

That sense of achievement for me and him.. I really super happy.

Those who need science tuition, please come look for me! Wahhahahaha!!!

SA 2 coming!!!


Hopefully my students will all get B+ to A*!

p/s: My students no show respect to me one but can tell they love me. whahahaha! :P

Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy 2014!


The last post was like what? 2013?!

Hello and welcome to 2014.

2014 is treating me well thus far. Left with one more trimester and I'm officially done with school. Hooooray! Meaning I'm graduating soon. It ain't easy taking degree man... Work plus school, sigh..

Just gotta pull through this phase and I'm out and done with books.

My old baby.