Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two jobs

Wanted to update my food hunts but I'm just too lazy.

I'm so drained out everyday. I'm now holding two jobs and it's really tiring me out. But... When I see the money comes in.. I'm like hehehehehe yay!!

Oh anyway, I'm at work right now. Brought along my Macbook to watch some shows. My current weekend job is more relaxed and my supervisor is okay with me doing anything as long as I get my job done. Hehe, lucky lucky. If not I would have died of boredom. Just in case you are wondering what kind of job I'm holding right now, I'm working in a tuition centre in Yishun. Travelling just made it more convenient for me to lug my laptop to and fro from work. *phew*

The second job was tough. Like really. :( Although its my dream job but it really drained me out to my minimum. I'm literally left with no energy at all after my work. And yes, my dream job is being a pet groomer. :) I love dogs so much that no words can describe la! Those who really know me well would have know how crazy I am towards these animals. And yes, I commit myself to this job.

My degree?

I am still taking it in October. :) Fret not, holding a degree cert is equally important as anything in my life. I gotta work extra hard for these few months because I'm supporting myself for my degree. It's gonna be so tough. Bro is just lending me the money so that I can get it quick but at the end of the day, I still need to return it to him. My brother is always so awesome. :D

I'm starting to make changes in my life. To live it better. I really did made quite an effort to change myself. And I keep up with my words. Remember me saying that I am gonna donate part of my salary to an animal shelter? Yes, I am doing it now. The sum I just contributed this month was quite a bit because I wanna contribute to Billy's medical expense. That poor furkid has maggots growing on his raw flesh and the wound is as huge as the size of my palm. Or maybe even bigger.. Probably a men's palm.

I know money is important.. But I just wish to help these animals while I can. Although I can't foster them but I'm willing to finance them and make them live a better life. Doing all I can to help. Although I won't be able to help all the animals but at least I am able to make a difference to some of them.

Alright, talking about my second job, I'm learning and working at the same time. :) And my boss just told me that I learn things very fast! Haha! I reckon that's because I love my job and I'm giving my best.   And I hope I can be emotionally stronger. Because one of the customer's dog just passed away and it saddens me so much. Just one day before I just groomed him and the very next moment, he's gone...

That's why people say "Life's short, live it while you can".

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New hair + treatment

It's been a month since I've last updated!! Omg how time flies. My graduation ceremony is in 2 weeks time and I've gotten myself prepared! Hehe. I know you must be thinking what's there to prepare about. But you know you gotta look your best! 

So, on my off day, I've decided to went ahead and chop off 2 inches of my hair. :D Finally the split ends and the awful hair color has been trimmed off! Love my black hair. Other than those trimmings, I also did hair treatment! Now my hair feels bouncy bouncy and smooth. Super love! Treatment does help! And it's my first time doing it. I think horrrr.. Need to treatment every two months for maintenance. Hehe! Right! 


I should really start applying for my uni. :( I'm so caught up with work that I k.o immediately when I reach home. Should really stop procrastinating and start with the application! Sighhh.. Then it will be another tiring ordeal for me all over again. Half work half study, can die. :( :( But what to do... For the sake of my future, everything is worth it! 

Oh god.. My eyes are closing while I'm typing this.. 

Oh! And I'm loving my job. It's my dream job!!!!!! Woohoooooo yeah! 

Okie, night everyone. I'm so drained out. Peace!