Friday, December 28, 2012

I'm still loving you

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I'm so exhausted.. :( 

But the money is worth it, I think. 

Bye peeps. 

And happy birthday to my dearest Jieyi!!! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New job

Sooo.. I started a part time job and I'm so lovin' it! Hehehehehe. Able to keep all the stocks that I want. Yippie yay! Pay quite good too. Hehe.

I've been offered a job! And the pay is freaking awesome for a freshie like me. Benefits are super awesomeeeee and they are even willing to pay for my studies. Oh my.... I don't know if I should. Hmmmm.. Best thing is they are willing to wait till I graduate. Maybe I should wait till when I'm almost graduating then I'll make a decision. Hehehehe.

Anyway, ditched iphone 4 and I'm now loving my s3. Thanks daddy! You the besttt!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Who stole my cheese?

Just watched a very meaningful video played by my lecturer today. It was about accepting changes. And yes, I can relate to it pretty well. Changes happen all the time in life. It is about if you are ready to accept it with an open heart or are you gonna shut yourself up and believe that just by waiting things will just get better. 

You know, there's always something that you should know the more you sit there waiting, the more it is not gonna be solved. Yes, I know some things just can't be solved. But tell me what are the chances of you trying to solve it and yet succeeding? 50/50. 

People change, things change, everything change. Even the economy are having changes every single time. 

You just gotta step out of your comfort zone and see the change in a whole new way. Maybe it benefits for the better of everyone and maybe it don't. But if you don't try accepting these changes in life, you'll forever be stucked in the awful situation and hoping that things will just get better but it never will and the suckiest feeling is that everyone is moving forward, but you don't.

So, I've accepted this change in life. Have you?

Start accepting the change. The change of flaws with people, the change of a better person and the change of your own self. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

As skinny as a stix

Hey everyone.

I'm so depress. I'm dying to be skinny. Everyone is losing weight and yet I'm gaining. It's so unfair max!!! I need to be skinny. I must be skinny!!

Mommy always deceived me that I've got heavy bones. NOT TRUE. But I feel myself being very meaty. They said that if you lose weight, your breast becomes smaller. I don't mind lor. Skinnier is better looking than having big breast! And moreover, I think mine won't shrink till sb jia lat cuz my family line all women have at least a B cup. 

WALAO I WANT TO BE SKINNY. I know actions mean a lot but fuck you lah. Where got time in Singapore to jog jog here and jog jog there. Somemore my hse area all under construction. Later kena rape and kidnap by bangala. Aiya but I can't stop myself from eating those nice food. :( 

Shit it lah. Why I cannot control.

Wa sb depress. Don't care. I WANT TO BE SKINNY.

Kiki says fuck you to all of you who thinks that his owner is fat. _|_

Monday, December 3, 2012
