Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lost faith

Sometimes I just lost faith in all guys.

The one who cheats, cheats.
The one who beats, beats.
The one who bastard, bastards.
The one who claimed to love, does not.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hair cut + Lili's early bday celebration!

So, I finally went for a hair cut! Trimmed a lot this time round. Received compliments about my hair. Hehehehe. Those ugly dry and split ends is gone! 

Anyway, Lili's early birthday celebration yesterday! It was a pretty last minute preparation and luckily our plan really worked well. Had din tai fung for our dinner after work. I was the last to reach. Feel so pai seh. But can't blame, I work all the way at some ulu mandai road. :(

For some reason, I think this prawn meat dumpling is so much better than the usual authentic Xiao Long Bao.

Catch up with each other and its cut cake time! 

Tiramisu cake from Bakerzin. 

Happy early birthday to our dearest LILI!! 

It was a really simple celebration with the Joogwees. I guess all of us were pretty exhausted from work. Simple contents in life. <3 and="and" awesome="awesome" be="be" bkk="bkk" damn="damn" girls="girls" gonna="gonna" i="i" is="is" know="know" love="love" much="much" nbsp="nbsp" p="p" seriously="seriously" so="so" the="the" these="these" trip="trip">


A short update. 

I had this awesome conversation with one of the new staff who is starting work soon. She's really nice. How long did I not have such an awesome convo with a stranger. We talked as though we've known each other for years. I'm really glad we managed to hold the conversation so well. Initially was to help my sup let her sign her Letter of Appointment but we ended up talking. Hahahaha. 

If only life will just end with a flick of the fingers. *bam* And you're gone with no pain. 

I've got no idea why am I always so cold towards others. :( It's like they are trying to hold up the conversation and I don't even bother. I guess its just me. I'm just so like that. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hi people! How's life!

Mine was really great so far. I'm so busy with my attachment that I don't even have time for anybody. Every night when I came home I'll k.o at about 9 or 10pm till the next morning. :( How I wish some public holidays is here soon so that everyone of us will have more time to rest! Nevertheless, I am enjoying my job so much. Did I mention that my colleagues and supervisors are really nice to me? Yeah, they are. Especially my supervisor! Hahahaha, what will whatsapp me some videos and stuffs. I'm really grateful for being put in Sg Zoo for an experience in my specialization. I'll probably continue on with my job function when I graduate. Was something that I really like and I'm so glad that I chose the right course!!!

Okay, work aside. Life was pretty mundane. Now I fully understand the 5 day work week kind of torture. I haven't really been stepping out of anywhere. Weekends are so precious to me! All I want was to stay home and rest and not think about anything at all. I know I have been owing lots of people meet ups. :( I'm so sorry lovelies, I'll try to meet every single one of you really soon. Like really soon, I promise!!

There is something that I wanna share..

Few days ago, I was having my really late dinner at a coffeeshop. Y'know, coffeeshop would usually hire cleaners to clear plates, and when they do, they would hire really old people or those people who are a little slow. :( Then, there's this uncle, maybe in his 60s was clearing plates and the chopsticks dropped on the floor next to this two uncle. Uncle in his 60s was practically having difficulties picking up the chopsticks next to them and yet they aren't even helping! One was bloody hell smoking away and the other dumbfuck was playing with his iPad. Oh wow, can't even spare that 10s to pick up the chopsticks for that poor uncle who has to bend down several times to pick it up. I'm so lost for words. Why do such people exist?

What happened to the society? Why can't people lend a helping hand to others anymore? I hate seeing such scenario cuz it bothers me a lot. I just don't fucking understand. Really... Seeing the poor uncle like that made me realized; everyone is fighting for a living. Why can't people be nice towards others and make the world a better place? Simply because everyone is selfish and only fight for their own happiness.

Life's like that I guess.

Sometimes I just wish that there's this little bit of evilness in me that even when you throw me with a bunch of hyps, I can still make my way out.